Davidson Street Multi-Use Path - Nashville TN.

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Beginning late in 2014, Collier Engineering staff assisted the Nashville Public Works department is planning a multi-use path along the southern side of Davidson Street. Final Plans proposed protecting and buffering bicycle and pedestrian users from traffic by a combination of flexible delineation bollards and striping. This industrial corridor serves as a gateway from Nashville’s downtown core to over 2,000 acres of nearly contiguous open space and developed Parks all connected by the award-winning Music City Bikeway. These open space assets are poised to become a recreational and environmental legacy, much like the Warner Park system. The Music City Bikeway provides a vital connection between outlying neighborhoods and the downtown core, making it an arterial route for thousands of potential bicycle commuters.

The improvements provide several benefits to the City, including:

  • Connect downtown residents, tourists, and public housing residents to open spaces and recreational opportunities that encourage active and healthy lifestyles

  • Improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians within an industrial corridor

  • Improve water quality and reduce stormwater runoff through green solutions


Collier Engineering staff provided survey, design and construction management, engineering, and inspection services throughout the project’s life. The team worked to log all existing conditions of the existing roadway through survey and visual inspections. Site inventories were used to develop typical sections. They also developed unit price schedules to repair existing curbs, drainage structures, driveways, and other appurtenances present in the existing right of way. Several existing annual construction contracts were utilized to improve existing infrastructure, repave where necessary, and remove and replace striping and signage as required. Collier staff worked with the contractors to ensure that work was completed within the project budget.

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Client: Metro Nashville-Davidson County Department of Parks and Recreation