Little Harpeth River Floodway Restoration - Edwin Warner Park
The Friend of Warner Park asked Collier Engineering to help with their Flood Plain Restoration Project. The project included the relocation of pavilions, de-paving, tree planting, and restoration work along the Little Harpeth River.
In the 1960s, when the Picnic Shelters were originally constructed, there was little consideration for the impact these high-use areas would have on the native ecology and integrity of the Little Harpeth River floodway. Due to our better understanding of our impact on these ecosystems, it was time to put the information to use to help preserve the area.
The project included: Relocation of shelters, reduction of pavement and parking in the floodways, and planting of native plants. This project was a collaboration with Friends of Warner Park, Metro Parks and Recreation, Cumberland River Compact, Metro Water Services, and Collier Engineering.